Marcel Beukeboom – Innovation, Women Empowerment And The Right To Food

Marcel Beukeboom
Marcel Beukeboom is the head of Food and Nutrition Security at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands. As a Member of the Management Team of the Department for Inclusive Green Growth he is responsible for the Dutch strategy and policies with regard to global (public) sustainability challenges in the fields of water, energy, climate, food security and natural resources. This is Marcel’s Expert Selection.
“The first clip is on Women in Business in Uganda. I have chosen this video because it is a good example of women empowerment. Women will be a crucial part of the pathway leading to the realization of SDG 2. It also breathes optimism and female entrepreneurship.”
Right to Food - High Level Experts discuss the importance of Right to Food
Right to Food - High Level Experts discuss the importance of Right to Food
WHY SHOULD YOU WATCH THIS? “Article 25 of the Declaration of Human Rights: The Right to Food”“The second video is produced by the Hague Institute for Global Justice for the World Expo in Milan. It is not necessarily telling a comprehensive story on food security. I have chosen this video because it gives a few different angles to the challenge. First of all the rights approach. Something that usually doesn’t come up as the first argument, but the right to food is an indispensable component of a future without hunger. Secondly the angle of the city. Rapid urbanization is a new reality. There will not be a working solution that does not take into account this factor.”
Global Forest Watch | Monitoring Forests in Near Real Time
Global Forest Watch | Monitoring Forests in Near Real Time
WHY SHOULD YOU WATCH THIS? “Global Forest Watch uses satelite data to monitor forests. It is a tool to help protect forests.”“My third clip is about the Global Forest Watch, a project to monitor deforestation real time, by using satellite technology and big data. This project is a good example of using modern technologies for development purposes. It makes this crucial information about a public good accessible for everyone. It is set up as a partnership between many stakeholders, including anyone using a smartphone, e.g. smallholder farmers.”